General Information
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* Company Name:
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* Project Name:
Please fill in the Project Name
Please Enter a Valid Project Name
* Property Address:
Please fill in the property adddress
Please Enter a Valid Address
City File Number:
* Type of Development Site:
Please select:
Employment Lands
Please fill in the type of development site
* Plan Type:
Please select:
Draft Plan
Site Plan
Please fill in the plan type
Type of Development Properties:
* Low Rise (3 floors or lower):
Please select:
Please select if it is Ground Related Residential
* Multi-Unit Buildings (4 stories or greater):
Please select:
Please select if it is multi-unit buildings
* Non-Residential:
Please select:
Please select if it is Commercial/Industrial/Institutional
* Email :
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The Sustainability Performance Metrics
Compact Development: Floor Space Index
Will the Municipal Official Plan Floor Space Index (FSI), Floor Area Ratio, or Units Per Hectare (UPH) requirements be satisfied?
Compact Development Persons & Jobs per hectare
Will the plan conform to the following relevant minimum density targets?
Places to Grow - 50 people and jobs/hectare or,
York Region - 70 people and jobs/hectare or,
Targets set within the Municipal Official Plan/Secondary Plan
Land Use Diversity Mix: Proximity to Basic Amenities Please Populate Both Cases
For residential only and mixed use applications, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within 800m walking distance of 50% or more of the Dwelling Units (DU).
For applications that only include ICI projects, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within an 800m walking distance to the application.
(2 points awarded per amenity, with a maximum of 3 amenities considered for points).
Grocery Store/Farmers' Market
Please select:
Community/Recreation Centre
Please select:
Please select:
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Case 2 -Aspirational Target
For residential only and mixed use applications, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within 400m walking distance of 75% or more of the Dwelling Units (DU).
For applications that only include ICI projects, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within a 400m walking distance to the application.
(2 points awarded per amenity, with a maximum of 3 amenities considered for points).
Grocery Store/Farmers' Market
Please select:
Community/Recreation Centre
Please select:
Please select:
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Land Use Diversity Mix: Proximity to Lifestyle Amenities Please Populate All Cases
Case 1 - Mandatory Requirement
Will all the Municipal Official Plan Requirements be satisfied?
For residential-only and mixed use applications, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within 800m walking distance of 50% or more of the Dwelling Units (DU).
For applications that only include ICI projects, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within an 800m walking distance to the application.
(1 point is awarded per amenity, with a maximum of 3 amenities considered for points).
General Retail
Please select:
Convenience Store
Please select:
Movie Theatre / Arts & Culture Centre
Please select:
Coffee Store
Please select:
Hair Salon
Please select:
Please select:
Place of Worship
Please select:
Please select:
Please select:
Other (Please Specify)
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Case 2 -Aspirational Target
For residential-only and mixed use applications, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within 400m walking distance of 75% or more of the Dwelling Units (DU).
For applications that only include ICI projects, select the existing, planned or approved amenities that will be within a 400m walking distance to the application.
(1 point is awarded per amenity, with a maximum of 3 amenities considered for points).
General Retail
Please select:
Convenience Store
Please select:
Movie Theatre / Arts & Culture Centre
Please select:
Coffee Store
Please select:
Hair Salon
Please select:
Please select:
Place of Worship
Please select:
Please select:
Please select:
Other (Please Specify)
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Landscape and Street Tree Planting/Preservation - Urban Tree Diversity
In an urban area, where trees will be planted in a row (i.e. street trees, trees in parks, parking area, etc.), will tree species alternate every two trees, or in accordance with approved municipal standards?
Please select:
Landscape and Street Tree Planting/Preservation - Maintain Existing Healthy Trees
Are there any trees on site?
Has an Arborist's Report been generated that identifies and evaluates where on-site healthy mature trees will be protected (in-situ or moved) or removed?
When healthy mature trees are removed,(not including streets) are new trees provided on site at a 3:1 ratio to mitigate the lost canopy coverage?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Have 75% or more of the healthy mature trees greater than 20cm DBH been preserved in situ on site?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Landscape and Street Tree Planting/Preservation - Soil Quantity and Quality
Will Municipal Tree Planting Standards be satisfied?
All pits, trenches and/or planting beds within the application will have a topsoil layer greater than 60cm with an organic matter content of 10% to 15 % by dry weight and a pH of 6.0 to 8.0. The subsoil will have a total uncompacted soil depth of 90cm. There will be minimum soil volume of 30m3 per tree.
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Landscape and Street Tree Planting/Preservation - % Tree Canopy Within Proximity to Building/Pedestrian Infrastructure
Will all Municipal Planting Requirements be satisfied?
Please select:
What percentage of sidewalks will have shade provided by trees within 10 years of development? All trees will be selected from the applicable municipal tree list.
Please select:
Less than 50%
50% or more
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Green Buildings - Building(s) Designed and/or Certified Under an Accredited "Green" Rating System
Are there more than five buildings in this development phase of the applications?
Have all public/government buildings over 500m2 been designed to LEED Silver or equivalent?
Please select:
How many buildings will be certified by a third party Green Standard?
Please select:
1 or More
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
What percentage of buildings will be certified by a third party Green Standards?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Please Select: Applicable Certification Standards
Please select:
Energy Star
LEED for Homes
Please select:
Energy Star
LEED for Homes
Please select:
Energy Star
LEED for Homes
Site Accessibility - Universal Design
Have 10% of multi-residential units (does not apply to townhouses) been designed to provide a
barrier-free path of travel from the suite entrance door to the doorway of at least one bedroom
at the same level, and at least one bathroom in accordance with OBC?
Please select:
What percentage of DUs are designed in accordance with Universal Design and Accessibility guidelines (i.e. ICC/ANSI A117.1 or equivalent) (1 point for 20% and 2 points for 30%)
Please select:
Less than 20%
20% or more
30% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Site Accessibility - Number of Universally Accessible points of Entry to Buildings and Sites
Will 100% of primary entrances be universally accessible (does not apply to low rise residential or townhouses)?
Please select:
Will 100% of emergency exits be universally accessible?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will 100% of the remaining entries/exits be Accessible?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Housing Unit Mix - Design for Life Cycle Housing - Site Plan
Input the percentage of housing types within the application that will fall under the following categories (based on % of Gross Floor Area (GFA). All totals under each category (Ownership, Accomodation, Housing Type) should each add up to 100%.
Affortable / Low income
Please select:
Less than 10%
10% or more
Please select:
Less than 10%
10% or more
Housing Type
Please select:
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Mid / Hi-Rise
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Live Work
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Secondary Suite
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1 Bedroom/Studo
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
> 2 Bedroom
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Single Detached
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Housing Unit Mix - Design for Life Cycle Housing - Draft Plan
Input the percentage of housing types within the application that will fall under the following categories (based on Gross Floor Area (GFA). All totals under each category (Ownership, Housing Type, Accomodation) should each add up to 100%.
Affortable / Low income
Please select:
Less than 10%
10% or more
Please select:
Less than 10%
10% or more
Housing Type
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Mid / Hi-Rise
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Live Work
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Secondary Suite
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
1 Bedroom/Studio
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
> 2 Bedroom
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Single Family Unit/ Other
1% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
76% - 100%
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Parking – Bicycle Parking – Multi-family
Will the Municipal Standards be satisfied?
Will a minimum of 0.6 biking stalls and/or storage lockers be provided per unit (storage lockers must have a minimum dimension of 4'x8'). Additionally, will a minimum of 5% of the bike parking be provided at grade?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will a minimum of 0.8 biking stalls per unit be provided? Additionally, will a minimum of 10% of the bike parking be provided at grade? (Bike parking/storage locker facility must be at least 6'x8')
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Parking - Bicycle Parking - Commercial/Office/Institutional
Will the Municipal Standards be satisfied?
Does the development plan include any office or institutional buildings?
For FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES, will 0.13 bicycle parking spots be provided per 100m2 of Gross Floor Area?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will a minimum of 0.6 biking stalls and/or storage lockers be provided per unit (storage lockers must have a minimum dimension of 4'x8'). Additionally, will a minimum of 5% of the bike parking be provided at grade?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will the bicycle parking spots be weather protected and close to the building entrance?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
For OFFICE or INSTITUTIONAL buildings, will one shower and change room (per gender) be provided? One additional shower (per gender) will be provided for every 30 bicycle parking spots?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Parking - Off-Street Parking
Will all new off-street parking be located beside or behind a building?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Is less than 20% of the total development area dedicated to new off-street surface parking facilities?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Has 85% or more of the surface parking been consolidated to be structured parking?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Parking - Surface Parking
Has a strategy been developed to minimize surface parking for permanent employees and residents?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Parking - Carpool and Efficient Vehicle Parking
What percentage of site parking spots will be dedicated to car pooling and/or fuel efficient / hybrid vehicles and/or car share/zip car (does not apply to compact cars)? Dedicated parking spots must be located in preferred areas close to building entries. A minimum of 4 spots OR 3% is required =1 point, 5%=2 points)
Please select:
<3% or <4 spots
3% or min 4 spots
5% and min 4 spots
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Pedestrian Connections - Traffic Calming
Are new residential only roads being created within your development application?
Are new non-residential roads being created within your development application?
What percentage of new residential-only roads are being designed with traffic calming strategies? (75%=1 point, 100%=2 points)
Please select:
less than 75%
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
What percentage of new non-residential and/or mixed-use roads are being designed with traffic calming strategies? (50%=1 point, 75%=2 points)
Please select:
less than 50%
50% or more
75% or more
Up to 2 points (M and A)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Pedestrian Connections - School Proximity to Transit Routes & Bikeways
What will be the minimum walking distance to transit routes and/or bikeways for all schools (in meters) ?
Please select:
More than 400m
400m or less
200m or less
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Pedestrian Connections - Proximity to School
Will 50% of dwelling units be within 800m walking distance of public or private elementary, Montessori, and middle schools? (Must satisfy this minimum target to earn aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will 50% of dwellings units be within 1600m of public or private high schools? (Must satisfy this minimum target to earn aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will 75% of dwelling units be within 400m walking distance of public or private elementary, Montessori, and middle schools?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will 75% of dwellings units be within 1000m of public or private high schools?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Natural Heritage - Connection to Natural Heritage
Will a Natural Heritage System be included within, or be adjacent to, the development boundary?
What percentage of the total length of the natural heritage system will be visually and physically connected (such as public access blocks, single loaded roads)?
Please select:
Less than 25%
25% or more
50% or more
Up to 4 points for Draft Plan, 2 points for Site Plan (M and A)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Cultural Heritage Resources - Cultural Heritage Conservation
Will the following policies be adhered to: Cultural Heritage Conservation policies under provincial legislation (i.e. the Ontario Heritage Act, Planning Act and PPS, etc.), Standards and Guidelines for Historic Places, Municipal Official Plan, Municipal By-laws, Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Resources and/or Municipal Heritage Inventory?
Please select:
Have all properties included in the Municipal Heritage Inventory and/or Register been evaluated?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will all of the cultural heritage resources that qualify for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act be retained and protected?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Natural Heritage System - Natural Heritage System Enhancements
This metric will only calculate points if the presence of a Natural Heritage System had been declared in the previous metric "1.J.1 - Natural Heritage - Connection to Natural Heritage.
Does the application conform to the City's Natural Heritage System as defined in its Official Plan?
Has the development plan demonstrated ecological gain above and beyond the municipal natural heritage requirements?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Percentage of Tree Canopy Within Proximity to Building/Pedestrian Infrastructure - % Canopy Coverage
Will street trees be provided on both sides of streets according to the Municipal Standards? If there are no streets within the site boundary, select "N/A".
Please select:
Will 100% of cultural heritage resources identified in the Municipal Heritage Register or Inventory and their associated landscapes and ancillary structures be conserved in-situ in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
What percentage of sidewalks will be shaded by trees within 10 years of development? All trees should be selected from the applicable municipal tree list. (50%=1 point, 75%=2 points). If there are no sidewalks within the site boundary, select "N/A".
Please select:
Less than 50%
50% or more
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
At what distance will street trees be provided on both sides of new and existing streets, within the project and on the project side of bordering streets, between the vehicle travel lane and walkway (in meters)? If there are no walkways within the site boundary, select "N/A".
Please select:
More than 9m
9m or less
6m or less
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Site Permeability - Connectivity
Will buildings on the site be connected to off-site pedestrian paths, surface transit stops, parking areas (car and bike), existing trails or pathways, or other destinations (e.g. schools)?
Please select:
Will outdoor waiting areas (located on the site) provide protection from weather?
Please select:
Where a transit stop is located within walking distance of the project site boundary, will the building main entrance have a direct pedestrian linkage to that transit stop?
Please select:
Will publicly-accessible amenities and street furniture (benches, additional bike parking, landscaping) be provided along connections on the site and between the site and adjacent destinations?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Street Networks/Blocks - Block Perimeter/Length
Verify the following statement, 75% of block perimeters will not exceed 550m, and 75% of block lengths will not exceed 250m.
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Verify the following statement, 100% of block perimeters will not exceed 550m and 100% of block lengths will not exceed 250m.
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Transit Supportive - Distance to Public Transit - Site Plans
Is the site within 800m walking distance to an existing or planned commuter rail, light rail, bus rapid transit or subway with frequent service?
Alternatively, is the site within 400m walking distance to 1 or more bus stops with frequent service? (This Minimum Target must be met in order to earn Aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Is the site within 400m walking distance to an existing or planned commuter rail, light rail , bus rapid transit, or subway with frequent service?
Alternatively, is the site within 200m walking distance to 1 or more bus stops with frequent service?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Transit Supportive - Distance to Public Transit - Draft Plans
Will the Official Plan targets be satisfied?
Will 50% of residents/employment be within 800m walking distance of existing or planned commuter rail, light rail or subway with frequent stops?
Alternatively, will 50% of residents/employment be within 400m walking distance of 1 or more bus stops with frequent service?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Are 75% of residents/employment within 400m walking distance to existing or planned commuter rail, light rail or subway with frequent stops?
Alternatively, are 75% of residents/employment within 200m walking distance to 1 or more bus stops with frequent service?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Active Transportation - Proximity to Cycle Network
Does the development plan include any anticipated or existing trails or cycling networks?
Will 75% of residents and jobs be within 400m of existing or council approved cycling paths/network? (This minimum target must be met in order to earn aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will 100% of residents and jobs be within 400m of existing or council approved cycling paths or network?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Active Transportation - Creation of Trail and Bike Paths
This metric will only populate if the presence of a Cycling Network has been declared in the previous metric, Proximity to Cycle Network
Will the Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan be complied with?
Will the objectives of the applicable Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan be advanced?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Walkability - Promote Walkable Streets
Will all sidewalks be in accordance with applicable Municipal Standards? Sidewalks must be at least 1.5m in width.
What percentage of streets will have continuous sidewalks, or equivalent provisions, provided on both sides of streets? (Must meet minimum target of 75% to earn aspirational points)
Please select:
Less than 75%
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will pedestrian amenities be provided to further encourage walkable streets?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Please select pedestrian amenities provided:
Shelter from Weather
Please select:
Please select:
Pedestrian Oriented Lighting
Please select:
Wide Sidewalks
Please select:
Please select:
Other (Please Specify)
Natural Environment and Open Space
Parks - Park Accessibility
Does the development plan include any parks?
Will two or more road frontages be provided for each urban square, parkette, and neighborhood parks? Additionally, will three road frontages be provided for each community park?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will three or more road frontages be provided for each park?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Stormwater - Stormwater Management Quantity
Will quantity or flood control be provided in accordance with applicable municipal and conservation authority requirements?
How much rainfall (mm.) will your site be able to retain during a rainfall event?
Please select:
5 mm
10 mm or more
15 mm or more
Mandatory and Up to 6 points (M and A)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Stormwater - Storm Water Quality
Will 80% of the Total Suspended Solids be removed from all runoff leaving the site on an annual loading basis?
Please select:
Have all ponds been designed with Enhanced Level of Protection (Level 1)?
Please select:
Will 81%-90% of Total Suspended Solids from all runoff leaving site be removed during a 10mm rainfall event? (This Minimum Target must be satisfied in order to earn Aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will 91-100% of Total Suspended Solids from all runoff leaving site be removed during a 15mm rainfall event?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Stormwater - Rainwater Re-Use
Have residential (multi-family only), commercial, and institutional buildings been designed for rain water re-use readiness? (This Minimum Target must be satisfied in order to earn Aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will rainwater be collected on site and used for low-grade functions?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Stormwater - Stormwater Architecture/Features
Have stormwater amenities which provide functional and aesthetic benefits to the site been included in the development plan?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Urban Agriculture - Dedicate Land For Local Food Production - Draft Plan
Will at least 80 sq.ft. of garden space be provided per development unit?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Has the applicable growing space per development unit been satisfied?
DU Density Growing Space/DU
17-35DU/ha 200ft2
36-54DU/ha 100ft2
>54DU/ha 80ft2
Urban Agriculture - Dedicate Land For Local Food Production - Site Plan
Will at least 80 sq.ft. of garden space be provided per development unit?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will at least 15% of roof space be dedicated to local food production?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Energy Conservation - Solar Readiness
Have 100% of all new buildings been designed for solar readiness?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
What percentage of the building's annual energy consumption will be offset by on-site renewable energy generation? (1 point for 1% and 1 point for each additional 2%)
Please select:
Less than 1%
1% or more
3% or more
5% or more
7% or more
9% or more
11% or more
13% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Soils and Topography - Restore and Enhance Soils
Has a Topsoil Fertility Test been conducted according to Municipal Standards?
Will recommendations from the Topsoil Fertility Test be implemented for the entire site? (Must satisfy this target to earn aspirational points)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will development on highly permeable soils be avoided, and follow TRCA and CVC Low Impact Development Storm water management Planning and Design Guides?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
In addition to implementing the recommendations of the Topsoil Fertility Test, is a minimum topsoil depth of 200m provided across the entire site?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Infrastructure and Buildings
Energy Conservation - Passive Solar Alignment
What percentage of blocks have one axis within 15 degrees of east/west? east/west lengths of those blocks must be at least as long as the north/south lengths.
Please select:
Less than 50%
50% or more
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Energy Conservation - Building Energy Efficiency - Single Family
Have all buildings been designed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code?
What EnerGuide [or equivalent] rating will the single family homes and multi-unit residential buildings (<3 storeys) be built to? (EnerGuide 83=2 points, EnerGuide 85=4 points)
Please select:
EnerGuide 83 or higher
EnerGuide 85 or higher
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Energy Conservation - Building Energy Efficiency - Multi Family, Commercial, Residential, Institutional
Have all buildings been designed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code?
Relative to an MNECB compliant reference building, what will be the expected energy savings of the proposed building design? (35%=3 points(M), Each additional 5%=1 point (A)) (Must meet this minimum target to earn aspirational points.)
Please select:
less than 35%
35% or more
40% or more
45% or more
50% or more
55% or more
60% or more
65% or more
70% or more
75% or more
Up to 11 points (M and A)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will all commercial, institutional, and multi-residential buildings over three storeys be commissioned?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will building electricity sub-meters be required for all tenants and residential suites?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Energy Conservation - Building Energy Efficiency - Draft Plan
Have all single family homes buildings been designed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code?
Does the 75% of single family homes and multiunit residential building (three storeys or below) achieve EnerGuide rating of 83 of higher?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Does 90% of the single family homes and multiunit residential buildings (three storeys or below) achieve an EnerGuide rating of 85 or higher?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Energy Conservation - Energy Management
Has an energy management strategy been written for the development?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
In an Intensification Area, where district energy is deemed viable by the municipality, will a district energy feasibility study be conducted?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Potable Water - Reduce Potable Water Used for Irrigation
What percentage will potable water for irrigation be reduced to, as compared to a mid-summer baseline? (50% or more=2 point, 100% or more=6 points)
Please select:
Less than 50%
50% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Potable Water - Water Conserving Fixtures
Will the applicable Municipal Standards been satisfied?
Input the applicable flow rates for water conserving fixtures. If water conserving fixtures are not included in the design, maintain the baseline values shown below.
Please select:
10-20% reduction
Over 20% reduction
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Input applicable flow rates for water consuming fixtures:.
Toilets:(6LPF Baseline)
Private Faucets:(8.3LPM Baseline)
Showerheads:(9.5LPM Baseline)
* Public Faucets:(1.9LPM Baseline)
* Flow rates are only applicable to Commercial\Retail\Institutional development properties.
* Urinals:(3.8LPF Baseline)
Current Percentage Reduction :
Input applicable flow rates for water consuming fixtures:
Private Faucets:(8.3LPM Baseline)
Showerheads:(9.5LPM Baseline)
* Public Faucets:(1.9LPM Baseline)
* Flow rates are only applicable to Commercial\Retail\Institutional development properties
* Urinals:(3.8LPF Baseline)
Current Percentage Reduction:
Lighting - Parking Garage Lighting
Will a minimum illumination of 50 lux be implemented in all parking garage areas (N/A if occupancy sensors are included on 2/3 of parking light fixtures)?
Please select:
Will occupancy sensors be installed on two-thirds of parking garage lighting fixtures, while always maintaining a minimum level of illumination of 10 lux?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will all applicable Municipal Standards be satisfied?
Lighting - Reduce Light Pollution - Site Plan
Will all applicable Municipal Standards be satisfied?
Confirm that up lighting will not be included in the design and that all exterior lighting fixtures >1,000 lumens will be shielded to prevent night sky lighting.
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will lighting controls be implemented to reduce light spillage from buildings by 50% from 11pm to 5am?
Will all architectural lighting be shut off between 11pm and 5am?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Lighting - Reduce Light Pollution - Draft Plan
Will all applicable Municipal Standards be satisfied?
Confirm that up lighting will not be included in the design of all exterior lighting fixtures >1,000 lumens will be shielded to prevent night sky lighting.
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Lighting - Energy Conserving Lighting
Will all applicable Municipal Standards be satisfied?
Will LEDs and/or photocells be used on all lighting fixtures exposed to the exterior? (Includes street lights, park lights, and pedestrian walkways)
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will Bird Friendly Design strategies be implemented on 85% of the exterior glazing located within the first 12m of the building above-grade? (including interior courtyards)
Will visual markers on the glass have spacings equal to or less than 10cm x 10cm?
For green roofs with adjacent glass surfaces, will the glass be treated with Bird Friendly Design strategies on the 12m above the green roof surface?
Please select:
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Materials and Solid Waste Management - Solid Waste
Will the applicable Municipal Standards be satisfied?
For Multi-family, Commercial, Retail and Institutional buildings, will storage and collection areas for recycling and organic waste be within or attached to the building? Alternatively, will deep collection recycling and organic waste storage facilities be provided?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Will a three-chute system be provided on each floor for all multi-family developments?
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Materials and Solid Waste Management - Material Re-used and Recycled Content
What percentage of building materials and/or landscaping materials (hardscaping such as paving or walkways) will be reused content? (5%=1 point, 10%=2 points)
Please select:
less than 5%
5% or more
10% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
What percentage of building materials and/or landscaping materials (hardscaping such as paving or walkways) will be recycled content? (10%=1 point, 15%=2 points)
Please select:
less than 10%
10% or more
15% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Materials and Solid Waste Management - Recycled/Reclaimed Materials
Will all applicable Municipal Standards be satisfied?
What percentage of new infrastructure including roadways, parking lots, sidewalks, unit paving, etc. will be made from recycled/reclaimed materials?
Please select:
less than 25%
25% or more
30% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Heat Island - Reduce Heat Island Effect From the Built Form - Non Roof
What percentage of the site's hardscape will use municipally-approved heat island reduction techniques? (50%=2 points, 75%=3 points)
Please select:
Less than 50%
50% or more
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
Heat Island - Reduce Heat Island Effect From the Built Form - Roof
What percentage of the roof will be designed with a "cool" roof surface?
Please select:
25% or more
50% or more
75% or more
90% or more
What percentage of the roof will be vegetated with a green roof?
Please select:
50% or more
75% or more
Please enter the name of the drawing(s) and location details where this can be found.
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